
We are the JSLeague

Intro to Angular 8

Course duration

  • 3-4 days

Technical requirements

  • 70%
  • 60%
  • 60%

Course description

Day 1 - TypeScript Fundamentals

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up a project to use TypeScript
  3. The TypeScript compiler
  4. Types
  5. Interfaces
  6. Enums
  7. Advanced Classes
  8. Generics
  9. Decorators
  10. Type definition files

Day 2-4 - Intro to Angular 17

  1. TypeScript and ES6 recap
  2. Angular apps architecture and the Angular CLI
  3. Modules
  4. Components
    • Templates and data binding
    • Render flows
    • Component hierarchies and communication
    • Component Lifecycle
  5. Basic reactive programming with Observables and RxJS
  6. Services and Dependency Injection
  7. HTTP
  8. Router
  9. Lazy loaded routes
  10. Template driven forms

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