
We are the JSLeague

Advanced Kubernetes

Course duration

  • 3 days

Technical requirements

  • 80%
    Kubernetes skills
  • 70%
    Linux concepts

Course description

  1. Introduction
  2. Pod lifecycle, probes, init containers, ephemeral containers, pod and node (anti-)affinities, taints and tolerations, disruptions
  3. Networking model, CNI (Container Network Interface) plugins, services, DNS, ingress, network policies
    CNI case study: Calico
  4. Persistent storage, CSI (Container Storage Interface), storage classes, persistent volumes, persistent volume claims
    CSI case study: Rook / Ceph
  5. Managing stateful applications, CRDs (Custom Resource Definition) and Kubernetes operators
    Case study: Percona Operator for MySQL and PostgreSQL
  6. Security - RBAC, pod security standards, third-party policy engines, secret management, TLS certificate management Case study: Kyverno, Sealed Secrets and cert-manager
  7. GitOps and CI/CD workflows
    Case study: Helm, kustomize and ArgoCD
  8. Observability - monitoring, logging and alerting
    Case study: kube-prometheus-stack, Fluent Bit and Grafana Loki
  9. Autoscaling - horizontal pod autoscaler, vertical pod autoscaler and cluster autoscaler
  10. Troubleshooting infrastructure and Kubernetes issues
  11. Application development workflows
    Case study: Okteto

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